Customer invoicing and internal inter-BU rebilling
CESAR allows you to simplify and make your invoicing processes more reliable. Let CESAR do the work for you and concentrate fully on the development of your company.
A PDF customer invoice
The invoice is dematerialized in PDF
The invoicing elements are automatically taken from the production
The invoice gains in quality
The invoicing elements are automatically taken from the production
The invoice gains in quality
Invoicing of all services
Invoicing of all types of projects (fixed price, project management, TMA)
Management of purchases / resale of materials
Invoicing plan
Management of purchases / resale of materials
Invoicing plan
Validation workflow
Project manager
Billing assistants
Financial controllers
Billing assistants
Financial controllers
Real-time financial reporting
Real-time financial KPIs
Reporting for Directors
Billing statistics by customer category
Reporting for Directors
Billing statistics by customer category
Planification online & partagée
CESAR vous aide à planifier les petits projets et les initiatives stratégiques de A à Z
Customer invoicing
Customer invoicing is often done in separate departments from production. To invoice efficiently and optimize your commercial activity, CESAR is the solution. CESAR allows you to:
- Edit customer invoices with all production data
- Arbitrate the amounts of yoyr invoicing lines with regard to the costs and the earned value
- Improve communication between teams and sales administration
- Share an invoice validation workflow between managers
- Improve the quality of invoicing with your customers
- Edit your sales and purchase documents easily
- Optimize inventory management and costs
Inter-BU Internal Billing
You are a group organized in Business Units. You need to manage resource loans and internal invoicing. CESAR allows you to manage and arbitrate rebilling flows.
Keep control of your results by accurately monitoring key indicators.
Accounting interface with your ERP
CESAR is an open system that interfaces with your accounting system. However, all data is checked and validated before generating valuation or invoicing flows in the accounting system. This approach allows to link the management controllers and the operational staff to the reality of the data. CESAR allows you to:
- Manage billing cycles by month and by department
- Control and arbitrate internal re-invoicing data between the BUs
- Perform monthly exports of invoicing data your ERP
- Electronic invoicing and direct debit will reduce your payment delays
- Follow your outstanding customers
Planning des ressources
Vous êtes responsable d’une ou plusieurs équipes et avez besoin d’optimiser les affectations et les taux d’occupation. CESAR va vous permettre de :
- Visualiser la liste des projets/tâches par ressource
- Affecter des tâches de plusieurs projets à une ressource
- Réaliser le planning des congés de votre service
- Optimiser la charge de votre service
- Analyser les besoins en compétences
- Utiliser une source unique d’information
- Communiquer avec efficacité les affectations
- Analyser les coûts de production par collaborateur